3.11. Typing Alias

  • Since Python 3.12 you can use type soft-keyword to define type aliases

  • Since Python 3.12 PEP 695 - Type Parameter Syntax

3.11.1. The old way

>>> def add(a: int|float, b: int|float) -> int|float:
...     return a + b

3.11.2. Type Keyword

  • definition will stay until the end of the scope (module, class, function)

You can use type soft-keyword to define type aliases

>>> type number = int|float
>>> def add(a: number, b: number) -> number:
...     return a + b

3.11.3. Function Type Alias

  • Since Python 3.12 PEP 695 - Type Parameter Syntax

  • Similar to type soft-keyword

  • It is only available during function definition

But, also there is a new syntax for defining type aliases available during function definition

>>> def add[number: (int,float)](a: number, b: number) -> number:
...     return a + b

3.11.4. Assignments

Code 3.42. Solution
* Assignment: Typing Annotations Alias
* Complexity: easy
* Lines of code: 2 lines
* Time: 2 min

    1. Declare proper types for variables
    2. Use `type` soft keyword and pipe notation `|`
    3. Run doctests - all must succeed

    1. Zadeklaruj odpowiedni typ zmiennych
    2. Użyj słowa kluczowego `type` oraz pionowej kreski `|`
    3. Uruchom doctesty - wszystkie muszą się powieść

    >>> import sys; sys.tracebacklimit = 0

    >>> assert data == 0.0, \
    'Do not modify variable `b` value, just add type annotation'

# Declare proper types for variables
# Use `type` soft keyword and pipe notation `|`
T = ...

# Do not modify lines below
data: T = 0
data: T = 0.0