8.26. SQLAlchemy Migration About
8.26.1. Migration Software
Django Migrations
Yoyo Database Migrations
SOLAlchemy Migrate
SQL Migration Runner
Liquid Base
8.26.2. Lifecycle
Create Migration
Run Forward (apply)
Run Backward (rollback)
8.26.3. Alembic
Heavily relays on reflection
[alembic] # path to migration scripts script_location = h:migrations # Edit the engine string for production sqlalchemy.url: postgresql://hypothesis-h-prod-db.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com :5432/h
$ alembic revision -m "create organization table"
Generating h/migrations/versions/1975ea83b712_create_organization_table.py...done
Run forward:
$ alembic upgrade head
INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea836712
8.26.4. Use Cases
Create Table
Alter Table
Add Column
Drop Column
Rename Column
Modify Data