8.3. SQLAlchemy Connection Engine
builds a factory for database connectionscreate_engine()
uses Database Source Name (DSN) for configurationecho=True
- if True, the Engine will log all statements to stdoutfuture=True
- v2.0 compatibility mode (works only in v1.4)Engine is lazily connected
Engine object supports context managers
method explicitly connects to the database
8.3.1. Glossary
- engine
Provides a facade over the Python DBAPI. Used to create a lazy connection to the database.
8.3.2. Create Engine
Function create_engine()
builds a factory for database connections. It
supports Database Source Name (DSN). In the following example we will
create a database connection factory to SQLite3 database using Python
builtin driver. The database works in memory, so it will not create any
files. Note that the connection is lazy, and creating an engine does not
implies connection to the database.
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> DATABASE = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
>>> engine = create_engine(DATABASE)
8.3.3. Parameters
- if True, the Engine will log all statements to stdoutfuture=True
- v2.0 compatibility mode (works only in v1.4)Full List [1]
8.3.4. 2.x Style
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> DATABASE = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
>>> engine = create_engine(DATABASE)
>>> type(engine)
<class 'sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine'>
8.3.5. Establishing Connection
Engine is lazily connected and does not connect on creating engine right
away. It does that in last possible moment (such as attribute access) or
on explicit .connect()
method call.
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> DATABASE = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
>>> engine = create_engine(DATABASE, future=True)
>>> with engine.connect() as db:
... pass
8.3.6. Example
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> DATABASE = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
>>> engine = create_engine(DATABASE)
>>> with engine.connect() as db:
... result = db.execute('SELECT * FROM users')
8.3.7. Show Parameters
>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> DATABASE = 'postgresql+psycopg2://mwatney:nasa@localhost:5432/ares3?charset=utf8'
>>> engine = create_engine(DATABASE)
>>> args, kwargs = engine.dialect.create_connect_args(engine.url)
>>> args
>>> kwargs
{'host': 'localhost',
'dbname': 'ares3',
'user': 'mwatney',
'password': 'nasa',
'port': 5432,
'charset': 'utf8'}