1.6. About Introduction
Structural - Relationships between objects
Behavioral - Communication and interaction between objects
Creational - Creating new objects
1.6.1. Gang of Four
1.6.2. Design Patterns
1.6.3. Behavioral Design Patterns
Chain of Responsibility (polish: Łańcuch zobowiązań)
Command (polish: Polecenie)
Interactor (polish: Interactor)
Mediator (polish: Mediator)
Memento (polish: Pamiątka)
Observer (polish: Obserwator)
State (polish: Stan)
Strategy (polish: Strategia)
Visitor (polish: Odwiedzający)
Interpreter (polish: Interpreter)
Template Method (polish: Metoda szablonowa)
1.6.4. Structural Design Patterns
Bridge (polish: Most)
Composite (polish: Kompozyt)
Decorator (polish: Dekorator)
Façade (polish: Fasada)
Flyweight (polish: Pyłek)
Proxy (polish: Pełnomocnik)
Adapter (polish: Adapter)
1.6.5. Creational Design Patterns
Abstract Factory (polish: Fabryka Abstrakcyjna)
Builder (polish: Budowniczy)
Prototype (polish: Prototyp)
Singleton (polish: Singleton)
Factory Method (polish: Metoda wytwórcza)
1.6.6. Paradigm
EFAP (Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission)