15.1. Async About

  • Latency problem - time from the user action to the appearance of the first UI element user can interact with

  • General rule for frontend frameworks - don't block the foreground, let the long running operations to run in background, and leave the user interface interactive

  • Concurrency and Parallelism

  • CPU-bout vs. I/O Bound

CPU-bound Concurrency:

  • Using Queues and Multiprocessing

  • Using Futures and Multiprocessing

I/O-bound Concurrency:

  • Using Queues and Threading

  • Using Futures and Threading


15.1.1. Classification of concurrency problems

  • Martelli Model of Scalability

  • 1 core: Single thread and single process

  • 2-8 cores: Multiple threads and multiple processes

  • 9+ cores: Distributed processing

Martelli's observation: As time goes on, the second category becomes less common and relevant. Single cores become more powerful. Big datasets grow ever larger [to use 2-8 cores].

Source: [1]


15.1.2. GIL

  • Global Interpreter Lock

  • CPython has a lock for its internal shared global state

  • One lock instead of hundreds smaller

  • The unfortunate effect of GIL is that no more than one thread can run at a time

  • For I/O bound applications, GIL doesn't present much of an issue

  • For CPU bound applications, using threads makes the application speed worse

  • Accordingly, that drives us to multiprocessing to gain more CPU cycles

  • Larry Hastings, Gilectomy project - removed GIL, but Python slowed down

Source: [1]


15.1.3. Multiprocessing

  • What is a process?

  • How long does it take to create processes?

  • Who manages the processes?

  • How many parallel processes can there be?

  • What is nice?

  • How to communicate between processes?

  • Processes are completely independent of each other.

  • No need to set locks because they do not interfere with each other.

  • The operation of one does not affect the other.

  • Memory is separated.

  • The disadvantage of processes is the lack of communication (hence the need for IPC methods, e.g., pickle).

  • Very high cost associated with communication and serialization.


15.1.4. Threading

  • What is a thread?

  • How long does it take to create threads?

  • Who manages the threads?

  • How many parallel threads can there be?

  • How many threads can be within a single process?

  • How to communicate between threads?

  • Is shared memory between threads good or bad?

  • The advantage of threads is that they have a shared state.

  • One thread can write code to memory and another can read it without communication overhead.

  • The disadvantage is also the shared state and race conditions.

  • The idea of threads is cheap access to shared memory, but you need to put locks everywhere.

  • Run very fast, but hard to get correct.

  • It's insanely difficult to create large multi-threaded programs with multiple locks.

  • Even if you lock a resource, there is no protection if other parts of the system do not even try to acquire the lock.

  • Threads switch preemptively.

  • Preemptively means that the thread manager decides to switch tasks for you (you don't have to explicitly say to do so). The programmer has to do very little.

  • This is convenient because you don't need to add explicit code to cause a task switch.

  • The cost of this convenience is that you have to assume a switch can happen at any time.

  • Accordingly, critical sections have to be guarded with locks.

  • The limit on threads is total CPU power minus the cost of task switches and synchronization overhead.

Source: [1]


15.1.5. Asynchronous

  • Running asynchronously: 3s + 1s + 1s = bit over 3s [execution time]

  • Async is the future of programming

  • Objective: Maximize the usage of a single thread

  • Objective: handling I/O asynchronously

  • Objective: enabling concurrent code using coroutines

  • Advantage: Async will fill the gaps, otherwise wasted on waiting for I/O

  • Advantage: You control when tasks switches occur, so locks and other synchronization are no longer needed

  • Advantage: Cost task switches is incredibly low. Calling a pure Python function has more overhead than restarting a generator or awaitable

  • Advantage: Function builds stack each time it's called, whereas async uses generators underneath, which already has stack created

  • Advantage: Async is the cheapest way to task switch

  • Advantage: In terms of speed async servers blows threaded servers in means of thousands

  • Advantage: Async is very cheap in means of resources

  • Advantage: Async world has a huge ecosystem of support tools

  • Advantage: Coding is easier to get right, than threads

  • Disadvantage: Async switches cooperatively, so you do need to add explicit code yield or await to cause a task to switch

  • Disadvantage: Everything you do need a non-blocking version (for example open())

  • Disadvantage: Increased learning curve

  • Disadvantage: Create event loop, acquire, crate non-blocking versions of your code

  • Disadvantage: You think you know Python, there is a second half to learn (async)


15.1.6. Threads vs. Processes

  • What is the difference between threads and processes?

  • How many threads can be processed in parallel on a quad-core processor (with and without Hyper-Threading)?

  • How many processes can be processed in parallel on a quad-core processor (with and without Hyper-Threading)?

  • How does the GIL affect threads and processes?


15.1.7. Threads vs. Async

  • Threads are about workers and async is about tasks

  • Async maximizes CPU utilization because it has less overhead than threads.

  • Threading typically works with existing code and tools as long as locks are added around critical sections

  • For complex systems, async is much easier to get right than threads with locks

  • Threads require very little tooling (locks and queues)

  • Async needs a great deal of tooling (futures, event loops, and non-blocking version of just about everything.

Source: [1]


15.1.8. Context Switching

  • Threads, thread manager does it automatically for you

  • In Async, you specify places to context switch

  • Time consuming

  • Every time you do a print(), the code automatically performs a context switch.

15.1.9. Testing

  • In concurrent programs (threading, multiprocessing) testing can hide bugs and errors

  • Some lines of code works so fast, that it requires million runs to make errors to appear

  • But if you put sleep() than errors will show up

  • In Internet of Things (IoT) I'd prefer to stand in front of a car which has code written in async way, than a threaded way

  • Async is profoundly easier to debug and get it right

Source: [1]


15.1.10. Rules

  • If step A and B must be run sequentially, put them in the same thread

  • If there is several parallel threads launched and you want to be sure that all are complete, just join() all of the threads. It's called "barrier". Example: Several programmers make improvements to the website, they has to merge their work, before releasing website to the public.

  • Daemon thread is a service worker, a task which never suppose to finish (by infinite loop). Instead you join() on the queue itself. It waits until all the requested tasks are marked as being done. Example: a printer sits in the office, it waits for documents, when document arrives, printer prints it, and wait for another job, printer never finish

  • Sometimes you need global variable to communicate between functions (this is the reason behind the threading).

  • In single threaded programs global variables works

  • In multi-threaded programs, mutable global state is a disaster. The better solution is to uses a threading.local() that is global WITHIN a thread but not without (thread has local copy of this variable). Example: decimal.Decimal has this.

  • Never try to kill a thread from something external to that thread. You never know if that thread is holding a lock. Python doesn't provide direct mechanism for kill threads externally; however, you can do it using ctypes, but that is a recipe for a deadlock.

  • Reason for threads is a shared state. When you have shared state, you've got race conditions. And you manage this race conditions through a locks. You acquire a lock, do stuff and release. What if you get killed, between acquire and release. You never know if this thread acquired a lock. If you kill it, it will become a deadlock for all other threads. That's the reason why there is no API for killing a thread.

  • For large systems when you need to isolate parts of the running code, use processes, because you can kill them.

Source: [1]


15.1.11. References