3.5. Threading Synchronization

  • Thread Synchronisation


Figure 3.8. Source: Langa, Ł. import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO [3]


Figure 3.9. Source: Langa, Ł. import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO [3]


Figure 3.10. Source: Langa, Ł. import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO [3]

3.5.1. Problems

  • Lock Contention - when there is a shared resource which is wanted by many threads very often. Most of the threads will wait for access to that resource

  • Lock Starvation - some threads are more lucky to get more access than the others. There are even some threads which didn't get a lock at all!

  • Deadlock - You cannot access a lock to get a resource, because you haven't acquired a resource in the first place (example: the pharmacy won't sell you mask, because you are not wearing a mask)

  • The more lock, the slower your program is and more memory it uses


Figure 3.11. Source: Langa, Ł. import asyncio: Learn Python's AsyncIO [3]

3.5.2. Locks

  • Locks don't lock anything. They are just flags and can be ignored. It is a cooperative tool, not an enforced tool

  • IIn general, locks should be considered a low level primitive that is difficult to reason about nontrivial examples. For more complex applications, you're almost always better of with using atomic message queues.

  • The more locks you acquire at one time, the more you loose the advantages of concurrency

Source: [2]

3.5.3. GIL

  • Global Interpreter Lock

  • CPython has a lock for its internal shared global state

  • One lock instead of hundreds smaller

  • The unfortunate effect of GIL is that no more than one thread can run at a time

  • For I/O bound applications, GIL doesn't present much of an issue

  • For CPU bound applications, using threads makes the application speed worse

  • Accordingly, that drives us to multiprocessing to gain more CPU cycles

  • Larry Hastings, Gilectomy project - removed GIL, but Python slowed down

Source: [2]


Figure 3.12. Source: Michael Kennedy [1]

3.5.4. Thread Local Storage

  • Operating system mechanism

  • Limits global variables to be seen only by current thread

  • You can keep data around, which are specifically not shared with other threads

3.5.5. Example

from threading import Thread

class MyThread(Thread):
    def run(self):

t1 = MyThread()

t2 = MyThread()

from threading import Thread


class MyThread(Thread):
    def run(self):

t1 = MyThread()

t2 = MyThread()

for thread in RUNNING:
from threading import Thread


class MyThread(Thread):
    def run(self):

def spawn(cls, count=1):
    for i in range(count):
        t = cls()

spawn(MyThread, count=10)

for thread in RUNNING:

3.5.6. References