2.15. FastAPI Routers
You don't have to worry about performance when including routers.
This will take microseconds and will only happen at startup.
So it won't affect performance.
2.15.1. Define Router
>>> from fastapi import APIRouter
>>> router = APIRouter()
>>> @router.post("/")
... async def update_admin():
... return {"message": "Admin getting schwifty"}
2.15.2. Include in Main
>>> from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
>>> from .dependencies import get_query_token, get_token_header
>>> from .internal import admin
>>> from .routers import items, users
>>> app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(get_query_token)])
>>> app.include_router(users.router)
>>> app.include_router(items.router)
>>> app.include_router(
... admin.router,
... prefix="/admin",
... tags=["admin"],
... dependencies=[Depends(get_token_header)],
... responses={418: {"description": "I'm a teapot"}},
... )
>>> @app.get("/")
... async def root():
... return {"message": "Hello Bigger Applications!"}
2.15.3. Include the same router multiple times with different prefix
You can also use .include_router() multiple times with the same router using different prefixes.
This could be useful, for example, to expose the same API under different prefixes, e.g. /api/v1 and /api/latest.
This is an advanced usage that you might not really need, but it's there in case you do.