7.1. SQLite3 About
The most popular database in the world
File database with
Open Source (Public Domain license), written in C
It is only 699 KiB
Supports for SQL-92 standard (Postgres flavor)
SQLite3 is built in in Python
It is used by mobile apps on iOS, Android, etc.
Almost every app has it's own sqlite3 database
Almost every web browser (on desktop) uses SQLite3 database
7.1.1. Limits
Maximum database size: 281 terabytes
Maximum number of rows in a table: 2**64 (1.8e+19)
Maximum number of columns in a table: 2000
Maximum Number Of Tables In A Schema: 2147483646 (a little over 2 billion)
Maximum BLOB size: 2147483647 (2**31 - 1)
Maximum bytes of SQL statement: 1,000,000,000
Maximum tables in a join: 64 tables
Maximum number of arguments on a function: 127
Maximum number of terms in a compound select statement: 500
Maximum length of a LIKE or GLOB pattern: 50000
Only partially provides triggers
Cannot write to views
7.1.2. Installation
Download from https://sqlite.org/download.html
Extract archive
executable toPATH
:Linux, macOS, etc: move
executable to/usr/local/bin/
Windows (proper way): Add folder with extracted
executable to%path%
directory by following instruction [1]Windows (simple way): If you have GIT installed, move
executable toC:\Program Files\Git\cmd
7.1.3. Verification
To check if Sqlite3 is already installed run in Console/Terminal/CMD:
$ sqlite3 --version
7.1.4. DB API v2
sqlite3.connect(...) -> connection
connection.execute(...) -> result
connection.executemany(...) -> list[result]
connection.fetchmany(...) -> list[result]
connection.fetchone(...) -> result
connection.cursor(...) -> cursor
7.1.5. Command-line interface
New in version 3.12
The sqlite3 module can be invoked as a script in order to provide a simple SQLite shell. Type .quit or CTRL-D to exit the shell.
-h, --help
Print CLI help.
-v, --version
Print underlying SQLite library version.