16.12. AsyncIO Synchronization

  • Synchronization Primitives

  • Mutex Lock

  • Condition Object

  • Semaphore

  • Event

16.12.1. Mutex Lock

  • Class asyncio.Lock()

  • Can be used to guarantee exclusive access to a shared resource

  • Not thread-safe.

lock = asyncio.Lock()

async with lock:
    # access shared state

16.12.2. Condition Object

  • class asyncio.Condition(lock=None)

  • Not thread-safe.

cond = asyncio.Condition()

async with cond:
    await cond.wait()

16.12.3. Semaphore

  • class asyncio.Semaphore(value=1)

  • Manages an internal counter which is decremented by each acquire() call and incremented by each release() call.

  • The counter can never go below zero.

  • When acquire() finds that it is zero, it blocks, waiting until some task calls release().

sem = asyncio.Semaphore(10)

async with sem:
    # work with shared resource

16.12.4. Event

  • class asyncio.Event()

  • Can be used to notify multiple asyncio tasks that some event has happened.

  • coroutine wait() - Wait until the event is set. If the event is set, return True immediately. Otherwise block until another task calls set().

  • set() - Set the event. All tasks waiting for event to be set will be immediately awakened.

  • clear() - Clear (unset) the event. Tasks awaiting on wait() will now block until the set() method is called again.

  • is_set() - Return True if the event is set.

import asyncio

async def listener(event):
    print(f'Waiting for event')
    await event.wait()
    print(f'Event processed')

async def main():
    myevent = asyncio.Event()

    # Spawn a Task to wait until 'event' is set.
    handler = asyncio.create_task(listener(myevent))

    # Sleep for 1 second and set the event.
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    # Wait until processing is complete
    await handler

# Waiting for event
# Event processed